Thursday, July 25, 2013


1. I think that the scheduling in class worked really well this year. I like how we had our weekly reports and that was something we knew was coming up. Another thing I liked was having time during class to get some homework done. I really like how in the beginning of the course, we did experiments that related to real life which made by have a better understanding of what we were learning in class. 

2. I think one thing to change about the course is to complete the practice quizzes as a class before the mini quizzes so we knew what to expect on the quiz and also study the completed practice quizzes at home later that day. Another thing to possibly change is going over all of the homework in class the next day. However, I liked that if a student or multiple students were confused on a certain concept from the past night's homework, we would go over it as a class and just clarify the concept. 

3. I think the Economist reports could be taken a step further is by adding videos to the article or students could choose if they want to do an oral presentation, a project, a video, etc. 

4. To use the blogs more efficiently, students in future years could use blogs similar to what we have been doing. I also think that instead of blog questions, students could just blog about what they did in class that day to explain any labs or review. 

5. I think that the instructor should check if students completed the homework because it might take to long for the instructor to check each student's correct or incorrect work. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blog Questions

Hybrids are better for the world because they don't release as much gasoline or CO2. 

Unit 3 SBS #11, 12 (pg. 258)

11. a. Chemical to mechanical energy
      b. Electrical to light energy
      c. Mechanical to electrical energy
      d. Mechanical to electrical energy

12. In gasoline-powered vehicles, 75% of the fuel's energy is lost in the engine, mostly as heat.

Unit 3 SCS #1, 3, 6, 13 (pg. 279)

1. a. One
    b. Two 
    c. Three
    d. 500 - 20,000 or more

3. Natural: starch, proteins, gelatin, nucleic acids
    Synthetic: fabrics, rubber, foam, adhesive

6. They are described as unsaturated because they contain carbon-carbon double bonds. 

13. I'm not sure.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Unit 3 SBS #1-10 (pg. 258)

1. Petroleum is called "buried sunshine" because the energy released by burning fossil fuels represents energy originally captured from the sunlight. 

2. a. Potential energy is energy of position or condition. An example is when a car moves, the spring unwinds, providing energy to the moving parts. 
    b. Kinetic energy is energy related to motion. An example is the movement of a car is based on converting potential energy into kinetic energy. 

3. When a chemical reaction takes place and releases energy, bonds break and reactant atoms reorganize to form new bonds. 

4. Butane would have more potential energy because it has a higher boiling point and contains more carbon atoms. 

5. a. potential energy
    b. potential energy
    c. kinetic energy
    d. potential energy 
    e. kinetic energy

6. Energy is needed to break chemical bonds because the process yields products with different and more stable bonding arrangements. The products have less energy than the original reactants. Energy stored in the reactants is released in the form of heat and light. 

7. a. Exothermic - energy is being released
    b. Endothermic - energy is required
    c. Endothermic - energy is required

8. Because burning a candle is an exothermic reaction, there is more energy in the product than there was in the reaction to begin with. 

9. I am confused on this question. 

10. Energy is neither created nor destroyed in any mechanical, physical, or chemical processes.

Unit 3 SAS #31-38 (pg. 235)

31. a. Propane - C3H8
      b. Pentane - C5H12

32. The prefix indicates the number of carbon atoms in the backbone carbon chain. 

33. They are all isomers since they have identical molecular formulas but different arrangements of atoms.


35. Butane

36. A linear chain is where each carbon atom is only linked to one to two other carbon atoms and a zig-zag chain is where one atom is linked to three or four carbon atoms. 

37. a.
      b. The branch-chain molecule would have a lower boiling point because it would be easier to break apart from each other. 

38. a. Short straight chain because it has less surface area
      b. Short branched chain because it has less surface area
      c. Short branched chain because it has less surface area

Monday, July 22, 2013

Unit 3 SAS #1-30 (pg. 233)

1. Hydrocarbons are molecular compounds that only contain atoms of hydrogen and carbon.

3. It has a high energy content and can be used in many objects

5. Crude oil means it is in it's natural state/it is raw.

6. a. 2622 barrels
    b. 21220 barrels

7. Lubricating oil, diesel, and fuel oil

8. a. Hairdryer, toothbrush, combs, and so?
    b. Air dry, rinsing our mouth, hands, wipes

10. a. Central Asia, Far East, Oceania
      b. Middle East

11. a. North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Far East, and Oceania
      b. Central and South America, Africa, and Middle East

12. If the 2 substances are insoluble in each other

13. Acetone and water

16. Fractional distillation produces several distinctive mixtures

17. Refined oils, gas oil, and petrochemicals

18. From the bottom since the temperature is the hottest there

19. Simple distillation would be the next step

20. Methane, pentane, hexane, and octane

21. A covalent bond is the sharing of 2 or more valence electrons between two atoms

22. There are no more electrons to fill the shell

23. The dogs must share the sock like electrons would share a bond with an atom

26. a. Structural formulas show the structure/makeup of the elements. Molecular formulas show the number of atoms in the molecules used
      b. Structural formulas don't give an accurate representation which helps predict a molecules physical and chemical behavior. 

27. a. 


28. The 4 dots represent valence electrons

29. a. C9H20
      b. C1634
      c. C10H22
      d. C18H38

30. a. 128
      b. 226
      c. 142
      d. 254