26. Metallic elements
27. Noble gases have a very low or no chemical reactivity
28. a. cation
b. cation
c. anion
d. cation
e. anion
f. cation
g. cation
h. anion
29. I think that copper metal and copper (II) ions are more chemically similar because they are both metals and contain the same amount of protons and neutrons while an oxygen atom with a mass number of 16 and another with 18 contain a different amount of protons and neutrons.
30. The diameter of a calcium ion would be 205.
31. a. Chemical: litmus paper turns from red to blue Physical: painting a picture
b. Chemical: burning a candle Physical: cooling down/heating up food
c. Chemical: formation of a precipitate Physical: vaporization or sublimation
32. a. Bromine
b. Silicon
33. We had to find patterns and similar properties in the data of both the fish-kill and making our own periodic table. Like Mendeleev, we didn't have all the information in both projects, but from what we knew and the information that was given to us, we were able to figure out both problems.
34. Argon and potassium would be in different places if the periodic table was organized by atomic weight as well as cobalt and nickel.
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